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Ircamdescriptor~ offline analysis


I’d like to use the offline analysis to calculage the average value for any given descriptor. I’m having problems trying to understand how the object calculates how many frames a given buffer will have. I tried some simple math with the sample size of the buffer and the window and hopsize, but things don’t add up. Maybe I’m missing some basic math here or something about the analysis in the object, but would anyone know how can I calculate how many frames will the ircamdescriptors~ output so I can calculate avarege values?


that’s probably the downsampling (rasampleto param). I think you can give win/hopsize in ms to be independent of that.

Also check out
mubu.process mymubu audio ircamdescriptor:chop @chop.size 0
which will do the averaging for you.

Thank you very much, @schwarz . I believe it was the downsampling param. I made some tests and when take it into consideration, the math works!