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ircamAlign installation failed - Moved to the right forum group

Continuing the discussion from ircamAlign installation failed:

Dear Nadirb

sorry yes, this was a bug for the MacOS version. I had updated the code a few years ago to use 64bit for linux (where the support for 32 bit ended) and forgot to enable these changes for MacOS (because 32bit worked still and I wanted to test the new 64 bit version that had some critical changes in the code).

Please find the version 1.1.9 here
that now does no longer select any specific architecture for MacOS and chooses then the default architecture of the compiler. I checked this on my apple computer where it happily selected the 64bit architecture and I made a test alignment that comes out the same as with the previous 32bit version.

Thanks to a contribution of @cornu I also could update the configuration file manager to support the MacOS default shell that switched from bash to zsh a while ago.

Please have a trial and let me know whether you still have problems.


Dear Axel,

Thank you for your prompt reply.
That’s it !
Thanks to your reverse engennering the ircamAlign command lines and the lia_text2xsampa script, the one I was looking for, are now operationnal.

And yes, thank you @cornu (I must confess I was also going to adress this architecture troubleshooting to you personally but rather during opening days.)
Well we have to admit that Ircam’s finests researchers work 7 days a week :wink:



Hi Axel,

I’ve installed the 1.1.12 version of ircamAlign and got this terminal log (you’ll find attached the install log file)

ircamAlign -h
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Users/hecceite/Library/ircamAlign/py_scripts/ircamAlign.py”, line 10, in
import ircamAlign_func
File “/Users/hecceite/Library/ircamAlign/py_scripts/ircamAlign_func.py”, line 17, in
sys.stdout = open(sys.stdout.fileno(), mode=‘w’, encoding=‘utf8’, buffering=1)
TypeError: file() takes at most 3 arguments (4 given)

Is this version compatible with the mac 10.14.6 OS version ?

ircamAlign_log.txt (183.7 KB)



By the way,

It’s the lia_text2xsampa routine that I care for and here is the terminal log :

lia_text2xsampa -t /Users/hecceite/Music/ircamAlignSource_v1.1.12/examples/check_script.txt
File “/Users/hecceite/Library/ircamAlign/py_scripts/lia_text2xsampa.py”, line 74
print(f"read utf-8 encoded text <{text}>")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Hi Axel,

My bad, python 3 was not linked to the project environment !



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