Hello and merry Christmas,
I’m trying to make antescofo~ work with NoteAbility Pro.
It seems the default port has changed to 6789 so I’ve created a Max message with ‘ascograph 3002 5678’ and feed it as input to antescofo~.
Now it sends the OSC messages to the correct port (I used Wireshark).
In NoteAbility Pro, in Network, I have port 3002 enabled, UDP (udpsend) selected and OSC (typed) selected.
In Antescofo editor (in Tools->Score Following) I have tried “Raw Data” and “All Events Info”. In the Extract From area, “All staves” is ticked.
I tried several combinations of the above but nothing seems to work.
I found these old instructions but I think they’re outdated (I tried): http://cric.music.mcgill.ca/node/160
In the recent Antescofo Language Reference Document provided with the 0.52 release, the NoteAbility Pro section hasn’t been written yet.