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Incompatible .txt files in Antescofo_0.50-163?


first of all, thanks a lot for developing Antescofo. I just donwloaded the Linux version (Antescofo_0.50-163_Pd_Linux.zip at http://forge.ircam.fr/p/antescofo/downloads/94/) and I was hoping to learn how to use it from the examples included, but whenever I try to load any of the .txt files, I get an error. For example, when trying to load the Chopin file from inside the Antescofo Pd interface I get:

dsp: /home/angelv/Antescofo_0.50-163/Antescofo_0.50_Pd_Linux/Asco_Examples/chopinCm.asco.txt: unknown or bad header format

I assume perhaps these were generated for a previous Antescofo version? Is there any guide or examples somewhere of what the expected format of the .txt file is, so I can try to fix them?


Ángel de Vicente

Hello Angel,

We have recently discovered some issues with the LINUX releases especially regarding score parding… We should solve them in the next few days. Meanwhile, I strongly suggest you to take the official releases from this site.


thanks for the reply. Well, actually this was my mistake. Due to being the first time using Antescofo, I was actually loading the score file as an audio file or viceversa, I cannot remember now. Once I sorted that out, I can now load one of the score examples provided, I can load the .wav file, and I can see Antescofo doing the right thing and recognizing the notes as they are being played. Very nice!

But now I’m trying to figure out how to use that information to control my sequencer, so that I can play another score using the tempo information that Antescofo recognized in the audio file.

By the way, when you say “I strongly suggest you to take the official releases from this site.” I assume that you are saying the Mac+Max version or is there an official Linux+Pd version somewhere. If the former, I’m afraid I cannot try that one, as I don’t have any Mac computers around.

Thanks (and thanks a lot for Antescofo, it looks amazing!),

Ángel de Vicente