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This piece I am working on is for alto sax and Max. I have a section that the performer improvises with notes drawn from 5 different reservoirs. Each reservoir is essentially made up of a chord of 7 - 8 notes. SInce this is for a solo performer can I keep them as CHORD in antescofo with a TRILL figure or do I need to notate them out to discrete pitches with a TRILL covering the entire range of 7 - 8 notes?

(Attached is how I have it currently notated for the performer though I am going to bring the notes in from the two staves into one staff.)



For improvised scores, each reservoir of choice can be notated as a TRILL. Note that you can embed CHORDs and TRILLs inside a TRILL.

Example 1: an improvised box that has single notes C4 G4 B5 D5 with nominal duration 5.0 can be notated as TRILL (C4 G4 B5 D5) 5.0.
Example 2: An improvised box with single notes C4 G4 and the chord containing B5,D5 is
TRILL (C4 G4 (B5 D5) ) 5.0
(note how the chord has been written)
Example 3: The same with an additional trill on A5/A#5 is
TRILL (C4 G4 (B5 D5) (A5 A#5)’ ) 5.0
(note the ’ indicating embedded trill)

Performance Note: When you have two TRILL boxes next to each other with many common elements, then the differentiating elements + duration become what could make the follower advance.

Side note: A Tremolo is a TRILL with only one note inside paranthesis!