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How to run/install Antescofo on Linux

Hello Everyone,

Just recently discovered your great Antescofo project and I’m eager to try the program on my Ubuntu Studio (Linux) computer. I downloaded the Pure Data package, and then unzipped the files. But I don’t know what to do next, in order to run the program. I’m very basic linux user.

Thank you!

P. S. I’m very impressed by the video demos of Antescofo.

Hi Kris,

First, you need to get acquainted with PD. Did you go through the pd tutorials ?
Then you will know how to create the path to antescofo. Here Path is not metaphysical, it means you need pd to point to the antescofo folder in order to load all the stuff.
By the way can you tell us what version of PD you have installed on what version of Ubuntu studio… (stable, testing, etc…)


I highly recommend installing PD VANILLA from @millerpuckette’s website.

Once you have Pd on your Linux machine and have learned what Pd is about, just run the help file and tutorial in the folder.

BTW @pfchph has recently helped recreating the HELP files in Pd to match that of Max. I guess we should accelerate our official release now!

@karim: Paths in Pd can be declared inside patches which is the case for both the help and tutorials of Antescofo in Pd. Just makes life easier! Never realized why they never did this in Max!

Karim, Arshia Cont, thanks. I should get familiar with PD first or will wait until your official release.
For seome reason I cannot see the version of PD on my computer as it gives me error message when I open it’s “About” section.

Dear Kris,

Yeah of course it’s wiser to get acquainted first with PD.
But your problem seems strange. Check this out:

  • open a terminal
    -type : puredata -version

this will give you the version you have. By the way Vanilla version is the version of Miller Puckett without addons (not the pd extended version). I am on Debian (which is what ubuntu is based on) and my version is :

Pd-0.46.7 ("") compiled for Debian (0.46.7-1) on 2015/09/12 at 14:16:29 UTC

Then you need to decide what driver you want to use. I use Jack which is fine for me.


I downloaded the latest Antescofo linux release but it seems i have problems. It crashes when i try to launch audio. Is it that the audio preferences are also embeded on the patch ?


Pd - 0.43.0. Actually I can open those pd files. I guess I need some configuration. I’ll look that later.