Hi there! I am loving Virtual Choir, but I feel like I still haven’t cracked the code on making it sound as realistic and full as I’d like (I love how it sounds in the tutorial video when you’re singing and I’m in a similar vocal range as you). And something about the tuning/scale aspect has felt a bit unwieldy (more from me being a novice than a tech issue).
I track vocals through my Apollo Twin, usually with UAD AutoTune engaged in the Console, before running into anything else. Should I not have AutoTune proceeding Virtual Choir? Do I need to turn the tuning off within Virtual Choir?
Any recommendations or tips for scales/chords/intervals/tuning for someone using this in an alternative/pop/hip-hop setting? Note - I take heavy vocal inspiration from the layered vocals of Lorde, Kendrick Lamar, etc.
Has anyone found a way to process the Virtual Choir vocals in a way they like? I started running it through MegaVerb by GoodHertz last night…getting closer to a smeary, choral sound for sure. If anyone is familiar with CloneEnsemble - it’s that sound that I’m really trying to go for.
Sorry for the litany of questions - I’m new to IRCAM and a little excited, ha.
Thanks so much!