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How to make an audio file generate a score in real time

I would like to generate a score in real time by audio files. Does anybody know which objects should I use?

the pdf attached here describes an approach to a real time performance instrument built in MUBU and it has a a feature for transcribing MUBU data into a score using the Bach notation library for max.


The patch described in that paper used to be included in the MUBU examples, but I think they took it out of the latest versions.

At a high level, you can look at some of the mubu-pipo example patches to get an idea of how to segment and take the mean frequency of your input audio, then use the data stored in your MUBU buffer to generate notation with Bach. (I’ve never really used Bach so I can’t be much help with the specifics)

“They” =-) put Aaron Einbond’s “catoracle” patch into a separate package “MuBu-Examples” on the mubu download page, because it depends on external software (bach and py.mxo for the oracle part).

The OP could look into mubu.process or pipo~ with yin for pitch tracking and onseg for segmentation.

Thank you very much!
But I have another question that when I use “transcription” in the example patch “catoracle”. They can’t show the normally note, they showed just like the picture that I uploaded. Should I need add some fonts?

