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How to analyze a sound?


Thanks for adding me to the project :slightly_smiling_face:

I have been trying to analyze a sound with Skatart on Max4Live, I’ve no results.

When I’m clicking on analyze button (picture bellow), nothing appens, there is no grain in the edit & view tabs.

What is the basic procedure to analyze a sound and get a cloud of grains ?

Thank you

Hi Guillaume, you’re segmenting by attacks. if your sound does not have clear attacks, play around with the threshold. Otherwise, chop will just cut regularly.

Hi, thanks for the response but i’ve just tried with the example .als projet but even on a clear live project and after doing the analyze and set the threshold lower, it doesn’t seem to appear on the analyze window… And on edit window neither… So i’m stuck with the example sample that you included and i can’t get to make it work with my own sounds.

Hello Diemo,

Maybe these informations will help.
My current setup :

  • MacBook Pro 2018 with OSX Mojave
  • Ableton 10
  • Max4Live ( but I didn’t buy Max/MSP, I’ve the default version Max 8 provided with Max4Live)

I added SKataRt folder to max 8 file preference file path like glenhall did (see 10th July topic).

Many thanks

did you try with “Chop”?


Yes, I did.
I tried all modes, nothing happens when I’m clicking on the analyze button, even on the progress bar.

Hi there, I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of where I might be able to try sKataRT, even as a beta .amxd file before committing to purchasing an annual premium membership forum subscription. Is that possible? If not, is there anywhere I can see it’s functionality in action? I searched all of IRCAM’s videos on Youtube with absolutely no luck whatsoever, and I’m very curious to see this device’s capabilities. Thanks for your time!

This is fixed in the final release.

Demo and tutorial videos coming soon!

Hi Diemo,

I was about to play a little bit with SKataRT Live Device inside Max (I do not use Ableton very often).
My first thought was how do I control the XY target position from inside Max, the level of each of the 8 corpus tracks and the radius size.
The device is lovely.
Many thanks !
