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How does mubu.granular~ handle relative vs absolute attack/release times?

Hello everyone,

Another question : how does mubu.granular~ handle the relative and absolute attack/release times ? More precisely, when are the absolute times used and when are the relative ones used ? Should one zero the relative times when he wants to use the absolute ones and conversely, or is there a specific algorithm within the object to choose according to some circumstances (e.g. grain duration for instance) ?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards.

The relative and absolute parameters are always added (after conversion of the relative values).

For the attack/release time there is a special thing for the case that the times add up to a value that is greater than the grain duration.

In that case they are both shortened in a way that their sum is equal to the duration keeps while they keep their proportions.


<li>duration 200 (= 200 ms)</li>

<li>attack  50 0.2 (= 50 + 40 = 90 ms)</li>

<li>release 100 0.4 (= 100 + 80 = 180 ms)</li>

<li>wanted attack time + wanted release time = 270 ms = too long</li>

<li>relative attack = attack / (attack + release) = 90 / 270 = 1/3 --> actual attack time = 200 / 3 = 66.666 ms</li>

<li>relative release = 2/3 --> actual release time = 200 * 2/3 = 133.333 ms</li>

But yes if you just want one of them, relative OR absolute, you should set the other to zero.


wow, i just checked mubu and i was surprised.

btw. mubu-granular~ seams to be very similar to sogs, right?


thanks for mubu, guys.
