hello all,
is it possible to set ‘hide stems’ by default in chordseqs and multis but retaining the ability of show them when needed?
thanks in advance,
hello all,
is it possible to set ‘hide stems’ by default in chordseqs and multis but retaining the ability of show them when needed?
thanks in advance,
Dear Perti,
Yes of course.
When you need to show them, just re-select the desired configuration individually in the editor.
oh, that would be for staves, not for stems. perhaps I should have said ‘plicas’ (ou hampe) instead. sorry about that!
Ohh… my bad… sorry…
Got your request, will see what i can do…
Ok here it is ,
Very fast Friday (or saturday night) hack.
Use this patch, put it in the ‘init folder’ in OM
Launch OM
Call ‘stem-switch’ function anywhere
if you call it with 0 => no stems
else if stems…
We can think to make it an option. But not tonight
stems.lisp (1.2 KB)
merci beaucoup monsieur haddad!
thanks for taking your time to do it.
I tried evaluating it (stem-switch 0) and a persistent error occurred: “the variable < is unbound”. this is for any patch I open, resulting in blank or unconnected objects. but it gets back to normal after evaluating (stem-switch 1) in the listener.
btw, i’m still on 6.15
thanks again,
Dear Perti,
This is why, fast and furious is not compatible with coding, … well
There has been a typo error.
So i send here a clean code to replace the old.
PS: It works also on 6.15 no problem…
stems1.lisp (1.2 KB)
oui monsieur! fonctionne parfaitement. merci beaucoup again. as you’ve said before, this might go into the feature request list for o7. it would be great if this feature could be controlled on a per-object basis (or at least as a per-patch option).
thanks again once more,
Cher Perti,
Il y a aussi un autre assez pratique:
Ceci prend en compte uniquement l’editeur en question, mais pas tous les chord-seq.
dear Karim,
the problem is that after closing the editor ‘hide stems’ gets back to deafult. I thought this was the expected behaviour, ce n’est pas comme ça?
and that’s why I promote a switch (and that the patch can save the state).
néanmoins, i can still work with your solution, which does its job.
best regards,
Dear Perti,
It’s noted. However, for the time being, it is not on the priority list.
we must first of all take care of the compatibility with all these new OS (catalina, Win 10, etc…)
Dear Perti,
Here is a code that includes an option ‘Hide stems’ in the Score tab of OM preferences.
Just put the .lisp file in the init folder in OM then launch OM.
It only works for chord-seq and multi-seq not for voices.
Once included in a new release, you can forget about the patch.
hideStems.lisp (11.3 KB)
dear Karim,
it works flawlessly. merci beaucoup again!
now, beside it was my request, I find the stems useful for ‘eye aligning’ so despite I’m more comfortable with no stems, I dare to ask…
is it posible to make the stems with a user-definable length? this is not for layout (or eye-pleasing) reasons but for time-aligning elements ‘by eye’. when one is working with 15 or more staves it might be useful if an exaggeratingly long stem can come across as an aid to editing. oh, maybe I’m pulling it too much tightly… well, was just a thought.
thanks again Karim!
Dear Petri,
No this is easy to do. But it will be a global length factor of all stems.
Then i guess, you would like to force stem direction i.e all up or down stems ?
this last issue could be more troublesome however i will look into that.
For the time being it will look with a * 10 factor like so:
that’s so goooood. yes, the capability to set stem direction is necessary for the kind of use I intended.
btw, where do one sets the stem length? I couldn’t find it anywhere. or is it through a lisp init file?
thanks again Karim!
Unfortunately, it is accessible only thru code. So i will upgrade the lisp patch.
However for the direction although it is possible, i should look more closely into it.
Will make a fast hack and come to you ASAP.
Something like this ?:
Dear Perti,
Ok here it is. Just one issue is the stem direction. Chord-seq needs to be refreshed(i.e closed and open, or by changing a note). Could do better, but this is for the moment being.
Note, that all this is applied ONLY to chord-seq and Multiseq.
Ps: remove the former lisp file and put this instead.
hideStems2.lisp (17.9 KB)
this is perfect! works like a charm. love it.
once more, I’m grateful. très remercié, si je peux le dire.
grazie mille!