I just had a few mail exchanges with Jean Lochard about the help files. I pointed that the topic might not be of great interest for the members, which he disagreed about. So, here it is.
I didn’t find the help files I needed and assumed the help files directory was missing from the Mlys package.
A reminder about the procedure which is specific to Max 7:
Go to Modalys/Components/Max/modalys/Help and copy the files contained in this directory to Documents/Max7/Packages/modalys/help files.
Although I convene these files are well designed and documented, YET, I think a few additional help files wouldn’t hurt, for basic objects such as script.mlys for instance. As well as a reference
And a note: it would be great to have a save data with patcher included in the modalys~ and script.mlys objects. Also, note that sending a “read” or “open” message to script will cause a crash. Scripts can’t be open from this object, as paradoxical as it may seem.
Changing that would make the portability between Max and Modalys more fluid.