Power Mac Desktop motherboard is breakdown, new installation of version 6.15 in Laptop, getting start again.
1.how to install necessary Library ( Repmus etc. …), or can I transfer (copy) the old Library of OM6.9 to OM 6.15?
2. New installation of Midishare? where can I download the new version of Midishare? thanks!
A good advice, is to re-install the latest versions. (om6.15, latest libraries…)
And by the way, no need for Midishare anymore. The project is unfortunately dead and out a long time ago
Hi! Karim, thanks for your response.
I have downloaded and installed OM 6.15, but only Application without Libraries, Resources etc. how can I complete? could you attach the exact downloaded Website?
In fact, the OM 6.9 package and Workspace are still in the old hard disc ( ref. screenshot), of course the App OM 6.9 can’t perform, if I can merge App OM 6.15 with the OM 6.9 package together, that seems ideally. thank you again for more instructions.
Hi Shing-kwei
No don’t merge om6.9 and 6.15 together. You may leave them side by side in the Application folder but don’t mix them together. As for the libraries, follow the instructions here:
Now the libraries could be in a separate folder. Once you load a workspace, go to preferences, choose the libraries tab and select the path to the libraries folder on you disk.
However some old libraries may not work, so that’s why i advice to update to thelatest libraries. (you can find all links on the same page indicated above.)
Hello! Karim,
When I prepare to download the Libraries, first pop out Git Hub, though I have registered an account Github ( i am not sure be completed ?), I con’t have idea about Github. (ref. screenshot Githyb)
I have download Libraries the Repmus, Chaoson Destop, then assigned to Preference / Libraries and got error ref. Error screenshoot. not succeed. sorry!
many thanks for your instructions.
best regards
Hi! Karim,
I have downloaded the libraries and gather in a folder OM 6.15 Lib ( ref. screenshoot OM 6.15 Lib layer), and point the OM Library ( Preference) to Desktop / OM 6.15 Lib, then hit Apply, pop out error again, i’m sorry! ( ref. assign OM Lib error ), I’m in mire, thanks for help.
Hello! Karim,
my new experiment, first forgot and blocked old hard disk of OM 6.9. open OM 6.15 and created a Workspace and new patch. then installed the Preference / Library, it goes smoothly. only Function / Library is completed. ( but temporary when close reopen OM then will disappear again ref. screenshot Library Function), the Class / Library is empt ( ref. Library Class ) .
the result of musicxml is also problematic. ( ref. musicxml errors 1-4),
then import to Finale from Musicxml is incompleted. by the way let me attach the Preference.lisp.txt file.
I appreciate very much for your helps.
Hello Karim, comment va tu?
Cette page n’existe pas encore, could you give me new address? the same problem I encounter again, like 7/7 Oct 2019 of upper page at Forum.
merci beaucoup!
all my best
everything is on GitHub now : https://github.com/search?q=topic%3Aom-library+org%3Aopenmusic-project&type=Repositories
Cher Shingkweitzeng,
Oui toutes les pages ont migrees sur le github ici:
La page que vous cherchez est la:
Cher Jereme,
merci beaucoup ! J’vais essayer.
bien cordialement
Cher Karim,
merci beaucoup ! J’vais essayer.
bien cordialement
Dear Jereme,
May I ask you correct " my own patch", my goal to analyse my own raw materials and export to XML files, thank you very much!
best regards
Shing-kwei my won patch.omp (11.2 KB)
I don’t use MusicXML like you do… It’s on my “to do” list… Karim is the one who can help you. Sorry…
I use Lilypond with OM
Hello Karim, how to load libraries in OM Library? I have download new version of libraries, and load to Preference / Library but in the Classes, Functions are empty? what means Auto Load:
Library to load at starup? thanks!best
Hello friends, My Library Location => shingkweitzeng/OM/Libraries/
I have loaded in Preference ( ref. how to load library 1), but in Function and Classe / Library still empt, please give more details, thank you very much.
Yes this is good. Just close and reopen your preferences. You will find a window like this:
Just check the library you want to auto load OR:
choose from OM’s menu Windows the Library item. this will open this window:
Then open the libraries suitcase and double click on the LOWER part of any library suitcase you want to load.
Cher Karim,
thanks for your and Jerome’s helps, I got the correct path ( folder) in importing OM Library. Merci beaucoup!
best regards