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Get loudness list of mubu markers

Hi all,

I don’t use mubu that often, but had a question on how to get a specific result: I have a mubu container with several audio files (multibuffer), each file with a list of markers (durations vary, usually 100-200ms).
I wanted to export a list with markernr and overall loudness for that marker duration. Is there a smart way of getting that directly with an offline mubu.process operation, or would I need to get the loudness of the complete buffers and then calculate on my own the mean value for the values inside the duration of each marker?



Hi Jmmmp, there is an abstraction mubu.stats.marker.track for that.
You could also use mubu.process with descr:chop and set @segtimes from your marker list, but you would have to iterate over the buffers yourself.