I’m new to the forum and a beginner with OpenMusic. I want to create a patch to generate a patch that generates several possible chords out of the pitches of a given scale, say (C,Db,Eb,F#,G,Ab,B). I’d very much appreciate step by step guides for how to construct such a patch.
Can you give some more detailed example, maybe sending some sketches, or a patch. Your description is rather vague regarding chords. Do you mean triads?
Im having a similar issue. I am trying to create a chord generator based off of certain parameters I want to set (amount of notes, Interval types, and lowest note) and then find a way to get every single chord that fits those criteria. Did you ever find a way to accomplish your generator?
Dear All,
If I understood your request correctly, you can try this patch. Sorry for the few comments and the bad English, I remain available for further clarifications or corrections to be made to the patch. Basically you insert a pc set and declare a list of index numbers to add to the random draw of a fundamental sound based on the intervals you want to obtain: if I have a set (0 2 4 5 7 9 11) and the list of index numbers (3 5 7) it means that for each fundamental sound extracted I will also add the third sound that comes after it (in the pc set) the fifth sound and the seventh sound. By varying the number of index numbers in the list, the number of chord components will change.
chord gen.omp (17.8 KB)