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FTM does not load at 64 bits

Hi All,

I have just downloaded FTM Max library from this link: https://forum.ircam.fr/projects/detail/ftm/

I am on OsX El Capitan (10.11.6) with last Max 7 version. The package has been copied into correct location, however it only runs if I open Max in 32 bit modality. But specifications say that FTM should work also in 64 bit modality.

I receive the errors about missing ftm.mess object:

That does not happens at 32 bit mode.

Any help should be appreciated, thank you in advance.



The forum download has both architectures and it works here (same setup). Verify (with ‘List external … files’) that the correct ftm download is loaded.

Hi Schwarz,

Resolved… I apologize for trivial error: I did not remember I had an old FTM version in another folder in Max search path. It was FTM.2.6.0.BETA-Max6-7. Only today I have opened Max and seen a message into terminal window about duplication of a FTM object, so discovering the other folder…

I have removed the old version, and now everything runs. Sorry for wasting your time, and thank you for your reply.

