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From solutions to Maquette

how is possible to copy-paste the solutions in the maquette?
best and thanks for this great software!

Dear Kontakte,

To do so you can first select the solution (either with your mouse, or select everything with Cmd-A after clicking on the score) then type Cmd-C, and then in the maquette, you click at the time position you want and then use Cmd-V

All the best,

Hi ,

great software indeed !
Anyway, just in relation to copy from solutions to maquette, I’m experiencing some trouble.
Tried with ‘Copy’ ‘Paste’ buttons and also with cmd-c cmd-v.
Many times just the notes are copied, but not the sounds.
Here two images: solution and the copy-paste in the maquette. In the maquette there is no sounds (autolocate files was selected).
Sometimes it happened that the sound where not the same, but maybe it’s important to click on the same correspondent staff.

Any idea about such a problem?

thanks and best


Hi all !

when passing from solution to maquette, by copy and paste, with attention to paste in the right corresponding staves,
most of times the sounds played in ‘maquette’ are different from those of the ‘solutions’. Surprisingly the name of the samples are the same, instead.

Does anybody have similar problems?

thank you very much
Diego Dall’Osto

Dear Diego,

You are indeed not the first to report this problem ! But unfortunately this bug is completely unrelated to Orchids, as this seems to come from the copy-paste function in the Bach library. I think you might get a better chance at finding a turnaround to this by posting in the Bach forum or directly to Daniele

All the best,