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Fluidsynth in OM


I’ve just come back to OpenMusic for a new project, but I can’t seem to get any sound to work. I’ve reinstalled Fluidsynth using Homebrew, and I’ve checked that all the settings are as they should be.

Is there any reason it might not be working?



Hi Philip,

Did you hit the ‘Load Synths’ in the Om preferences under FluidSynth tab?


I did, yes. I’m afraid I’ve had similar problems in the past, but none of the previous fixes are working.



For info, I’ve just updated to the latest iOS - to no avail…

Thank you,


Did you update homebrew? If you changed os version. you should.
Just open a terminal and type
brew update


I’ll try that and keep you posted - thank you.

All the best,


Hi again,

Unfortunately that hasn’t worked either.

For information, I’m on Sequoia 15.3.2.

Everything seems to be working - when I click to play a chord box, for example, the ‘play’ arrow appears - there’s just no sound.

I’ve used OpenMusic before - but I seem to keep having similar issues.

Thank you for any help you can offer.


Did you setup in the midi preferences the choice of the player like so ?:

Yes, exactly…

Do you use a particular sound card, ?
Can you send me the preferences.lisp file from your actual worspace in order to inspect.
If you followed the instructions on this page:

there is no reason this doesn’t work, except if it is another issue related to your audio setup.


I’ve done exactly what’s described here - though I’ve a feeling that the sf2 file I have listed is wrong…

Sorry to ask what’s probably an obvious question, but how can I find my lisp preferences?


OK now tht you are saying, Did you instal the latest patch fix?

Now answering your question, the preferences.lisp file is to be found inside your workspace folder.

But it is more probably the problem with the sf2 font file that didn’t loaded.

Can you just send a screenshot of your OM preferences panel on fluidsynth tab?


I’m afraid I’m not sure how to install this patch - would it be simpler to reinstall OM?

Here’s the screenshot you asked for - I hope it helps:

Thanks again,


Your problem is that you are pointing to an ‘Untitled’ thing which seems not a .sf2 file. So fluidSynth will fail to play. PLease choose in the SF2 File field a valid .sf2 file.

Now in order to install a fix patch on MacOsX:

  1. open /Application folder
  2. right+ckicj (ctrl+click on OM 7.x.app icon
  3. Choose “Show Package Contents”
  4. open the init folder
  5. Copy+Paste in the patch file

Best regards


Thanks for all of this information. I don’t seem to have the sf2 file - where can I download it please?

Sorry again for what are probably very naive questions.

Thank you,


Following on from this, I’ve tried to uninstall OM so that I can reinstall it. It doesn’t seem to have installed as an application, but a volume in the sidebar - any advice as to what I might be doing wrong would be gratefully received.



Answer for the first question:

The sf2 file is provided with OM application. it is here:

C://Program Files/OpenMusic 7.5/resources/online/in-files/merlin.sf2

If you don’t find it you can download it from here:

As for the second answer: the icon you see is not a ‘volume’ button but a shortcut created automatically by windows. You can remove it (please see windows instructions). But i don’t see a reason to uninstall OpenMusic. The problem is with your setup.


Thank you - I have sound now. Much appreciated.

All the best,


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