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Flowers: Robotics, Cognitive Science and Art

The Flowers team studies the mechanisms of sensorimotor, cognitive and social development in humans and machines. On the one hand, we construct machines and robots, inspired by animal cognitive development, and capable of lifelong development, adaptation and interaction with the physical and social world. On the other hand, we
elaborate computer and robotic models as tools for understanding developmental processes in humans, for example to understand the evolution and acquisition of language.

We regularly work with artists to jointly explore fundamental questions about humans and machines, as well as to create novel access perspectives to science for the general public. Our work also provides tools that can be used by artists. Here are several examples of recent projects we conducted.

The Ergo-Robot Experiments, at Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain

This is joint work with movie maker David Lynch, on the mechanisms of curiosity and language invention in humans and robots. David Lynch designed the robot heads, as well as the egg structure in which they cognitively and socially grow. It was shown for exhibition “Mathematics: A Beautiful Elsewhere”.

Web: https://flowers.inria.fr/robots/ergo-robots/

The Ergo-Robots Experiment (2011-2012).

Video explaining the scientific context and collaboration with artists: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-XUEl9pVJM

Poppy project: an open-hardware 3D printed humanoid robot for science, art and education

The Poppy project aims at building an Open-source humanoid platform based on robust, flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.
Designed by the Flowers Lab at Inria Bordeaux and Ensta ParisTech (France), its development aims at providing an affordable and hackable humanoid robot for science, education, art and geeks. Poppy was initially made for our research project about understanding the role of the body in biped locomotion, and full-body physical and social interaction in robots and humans.

Web: https://www.poppy-project.org
Forum: https://poppy-project-forum.bordeaux.inria.fr
Current artistic residence around Poppy: https://forum.poppy-project.org/t/artist-residency-etres-et-numerique/72

Vimeo video: http://vimeo.com/76917854

Spectacle vivant C2m1, de Magali Desbazeille and Siegfried Canto

A live show exploring the impact of technology upon the evolution of human language.

Video: http://vimeo.com/55592269


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Je viens de copier/coller la page de FLOWERS… looks good… thanks :slight_smile: