Hello Everybody,
For my Orchidea patch Max project, I was confronted with the object bach.roll … Using the bach package. Ok, it’s not OM but there’s a message : “exportom” for the bach.roll so it’s appropriate.
When you send “exportom”, bach.roll saves a message that looks like Common Lisp but is not. The brackets should be replaced with parenthesis.
You get this file, for example.
From-Bach.txt (2,2 Mo)
To integrate it into OM, you have to use a multi-seq and select “From bach” with right-click :
In this solution, you will see that each stave of the MULTI-SEQ has 22 staves, there are 22 instruments in orchidea.
From-bach.omp (261,1 Ko)
But also 22 channels… and then OM glitches. Which is normal… Beyond 16 channels, It’s darkness. PortMidi needs to have a SimpleSynth on 2 channels to stop generating messages about the ports… But there are also unwanted sounds, which look like bad General Midi percussions. The redirection proposed in the MIDI preferences doesn’t seem to work, or at least badly. I don’t hear any difference.
On the other hand, it is possible to do something with R-udp-player
I could dig “Bach.roll” I’m sure that I can find a way to fix that, but as I don’t find the result useful, musically. I won’t. But I wanted to share this experience.
Keep safe,
Ps : force to use 2 ports but same sound