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Exploring Co-Creative Projects with Somax2 – Share Yours!

Welcome to a space where we can share and celebrate the diverse range of artistic, scientific, and collaborative projects featuring Somax2.

Whether it’s a concert, workshop, research initiative, or any creative endeavor, we’d love to hear how you’ve used Somax2 to enhance your work.

Please feel free to reply to this thread with your own projects, ideas, or contributions!
Let’s inspire each other with the many ways Somax2 is being used to create, innovate, and collaborate.

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Here’s some videos from concerts and research projects featuring Somax2!

Joëlle Léandre Documentary

Joëlle Léandre and the Who/Men concert at ManiFeste, Centre George Pompidou

Horse Lords and the Who/Men concert at ManiFeste, Centre George Pompidou

Chronos IIIc - William Teixeira and Somax2

Improtech at Uzeste, Concert 1

Improtech at Uzeste, Concert 2

Improtech at Uzeste, Concert 3

Xenakis Reloaded - A.I. Komboï

Boulez Reloaded, Elez / Boulaine in Singapore, Concert 1

Boulez Reloaded, Elez / Boulaine in Singapore, Concert 2

Academie ManiFeste, Valerie Philippin artistic residency

Somax2 meets Sheng

Guiding Somax2 Agents with Real-Time Recognition of Flute Playing Techniques

Hi !!
Here is my exploration of Somax with my “BOX” a homemade instrument.
The idea is to use Somax with less harmonic materials…

Thanks for watching

Hi Somax friends
This is my first time using real-time corpus recording with my old out-of-tune dulcimer.
I liked how the single agent I used here gradually became more and more a source of musical propositions.