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Event information in actions

Hi I have (i think) a noob question:

Is there a short way to send the event information in an action message? So I want the pitch and the duration of the note send to max when that note is played.
Also is there a way to convert the duration in beats to duration to ms according to the live-tempo?



You may look at the Antescofo System Variables (cf. the support docs made by Jean Louis Giavitto)

The $Pitch variable gives midi pitches. If you want frequencies you need to convert them :

@FUN_DEF midi2hz($MIDI) {  

    440.0 * @exp(($MIDI - 69) * @log(2) / 12)  


And the $RT_TEMPO is for real-time tempo inferred by the listening machine (the simple expression you’re looking for is then

`@FUN_DEF beat2msec($BEAT) {  





Thanks Nadir! That is exactly what I needed :slight_smile: