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Error when evaluating OMChroma ADD-A1


I’m going through all OMChroma tutorial patches and everything is good except this: Class ADD-A1 gives error code:
e[INIT ERROR in instr 1 (opcode poscil.a) line 44: e[mtable not found in poscile[m

The error is the very same even in this very basic patch. Any idea how to solve this?
Thank you very much :slightly_smiling_face:!

  1. macOS Monterey 12.6.8, Apple M1 Max
  2. OMChoroma 5.2
  3. OM 7.0

Hi elektrogt,

Please be sure you are using the latest OMChroma library, to be found here:

And at least Csound min. version 6.10


Dear Karim,

I did requested tasks but result is still the same. Evaluation gives the same error code.

Kind regards, Mikko

Dear Mikko,
Can you send the patch please? since in the OMChroma’s tutorials, this class works for me.


Dear Karim,

add-a test.omp (11.1 KB)
By the way I’m using OM 7.0.


…I tried with OM 7.2 as well but the result is the same.


Dear Mikko,

It works on my MacIntel/Ventura:

Maybe either you don’t have csound insttalled, or you don’t have OM2Csound library which is necessary to run OMCHroma.

Dear Karim,

Every OMChroma patch works nicely except ones the ADD-A1 is used. I have the latest Csound 6.18 and OM2Csound 2.4 installed.

But thank you for kind effort. I’ll try to something else.

Kind regards, Mikko

Do you have some output in the listener. It should be interesting to see what’s wrong. Maybe a path, or a missing file. Can you just copy/paste the listener output?

Here we go:

To Karim.txt (2.7 KB)

Ok it looks that the table that add-a1 is writing is not valid for a strange reason. I will try on my M1 and get back to you.


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Works with

  • Mac mini M1, 16 GB, Ventura : 13.5.2
  • OM 7.3 June 24th release
  • OMChroma 5.2
  • OM2Csound 2.4
  • Csound 6.18

Hoping it helps


listener.txt (5,1 Ko)


Dear Mikko,

Maybe if you reset the Csound args to default:
-f -m7 -N -g -b8192 -B8192 -A

and try again?

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Dear Karim,

Could you please guide me to do the reseting? I’ve never do that.


Dear Mikko,

once OM2Csounds library is loaded:

  1. go to OM preferences
  2. choose Externals tab
  3. clic on Options button nexte to csound filed
  4. clic restore

Hope this will fix the issue.


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Dear Karim,

The issue still occurs and the error code is the same old. Listener looks like this:
OM-listener.txt (4.1 KB)


Dear Mikko,

You’re right there’s a bug on M1. The score generated by OMChroma has an error for a strange reason. I will investigate. Apparently on Intel it works. Very strange.


Ok it is fixed:

Just replace this file in your OMChroma library:

with this file:
add-a1.lisp (3.5 KB)

Relaunch OM
This should work.


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Dear Karim,

Wonderfull! Yes, now the ADD-A1 function works! Thank you very much :sunflower:!

I found another bug which seems to be in the same folder: function FOF-A1 gives error code:

mINIT ERROR in instr 1 (opcode fof) line 46

But thank you once more!

Yours, Mikko

Will look into it promise