Bonjour Robert,
Voici une capture d’écran.
Je joins aussi deux exemples de fichiers issus des exemples.
Je pense que je devrais désinstaller et réinstaller proprement Modalys. Il y a peut-être quelque chose que je n’ai pas fait correctement. Pourriez vous m’aiguiller pour procéder à une réinstallation?
Pas de problèmes constatés sur mon ancien Max qui tourne sous OS X (Sierra mais il faut que je vérifie).
;;;-*-Mode: Lisp; Package: MODALYS -*-
;;; Modalys, example 1.
;;; Plucked string.
;;; Simple plucked string example
;; the new command frees all memory used by Modalys
;; and cleans the workspace
;; set-message-level controls the verbosity of Modalys
;; 0 : no messages
;; 1 : only warnings
;; 2 : normal
;; 3 : detailed
(set-message-level 3)
;;; make objects
(defvar my-string)
(setq my-string (make-object 'mono-string))
;; (the string is tuned on a lower F by default)
(defvar my-plectrum)
(setq my-plectrum (make-object 'bi-two-mass))
;;; make pluck connection
(defvar my-string-plk)
(setq my-string-plk (make-access my-string (const .6) 'trans0))
(defvar my-plectrum-plk)
(setq my-plectrum-plk (make-access my-plectrum (const 1) 'trans0))
(make-connection 'pluck my-string-plk 0 my-plectrum-plk .1 (const 50))
;;; make position connection to push plectrum
(defvar my-plectrum-mov)
(setq my-plectrum-mov (make-access my-plectrum (const 0) 'trans0))
(make-connection 'position my-plectrum-mov
(make-controller 'envelope 1
(list (list 0.00 .1)
(list 0.50 -.5))))
;;; make listening point on string
(defvar my-string-out)
(setq my-string-out (make-access my-string (const .3) 'trans0))
(make-point-output my-string-out)
;;; run the synthesis and play the sound
(run 2) ;; make 2 seconds of sound
;;;-*-Mode: Lisp; Package: MODALYS -*-
;;; Modalys, example 2.
;;; Tuned rectangular plate, struck twice, with plot of hammer/plate
;;; contact.
;;; make objects
(defvar my-plate)
(setq my-plate (set-pitch (make-object 'rect-plate
(thickness .01)
(density 10000)
(freq-loss 0.1)
(const-loss 0.5))
'size 330))
(defvar my-hammer)
(setq my-hammer (make-object 'bi-two-mass (small-mass 0.5)
(large-mass 0.5)
(stiffness0 100000)
(stiffness1 150000)))
;;; make strike connection
(defvar my-plate-hit)
(setq my-plate-hit (make-access my-plate (const .6 .7) 'normal))
(defvar my-hammer-hit)
(setq my-hammer-hit (make-access my-hammer (const 1) 'trans0))
(make-connection 'strike my-plate-hit 0 my-hammer-hit .1)
;;; make position connection to push hammer
(defvar my-hammer-mov)
(setq my-hammer-mov (make-access my-hammer (const 0) 'trans0))
(make-connection 'position my-hammer-mov
(make-controller 'envelope 1
(list (list 0.00 .1)
(list 0.05 -.0001)
(list 0.10 .1)
(list 0.50 .1)
(list 0.55 -.0001)
(list 0.60 .1))))
;;; make listening point on plate
(defvar my-plate-out)
(setq my-plate-out (make-access my-plate (const .2 .1) 'normal))
(make-point-output my-plate-out)
;;; arrange the plot, run the synthesis and play the sound
(run 10)
Merci par avance