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empty search space.

“Production: empty search space, search space is empty!check filter and orchestra.”
I am a beginner. I’ve had several problems in the installation that I am solving.
At the moment the error that more occurs is ::::. “Production: empty search space, search space is empty!check filter and orchestra.”
On the other hand, in another computer, in a mac book air, has not given any problem, neither in the installation nor in the operation. It offers solutions and works well (for now!). The steps given in the two computers have been the same (The same sample, the same filter, the same orchestra).
The office computer is an imac OSX yosemite 10.10.5, the Air is OSX10.10.2
Any ideas?

Hallo Benjamin,

this message can be generated by several circumstances. Two possible reasons are the following:

  1. the SOL database is not correctly installed or you didn’t perform all required configuration steps (for example pressing the button “Parse database and build explorer”) on the explorer page
  2. the filters you put in your orchestration are too strict: for example is you reduce the allowed dynamics, playing styles and instruments you could end up on a search space that is too small for your problem
  3. the sound you use as target has a complex nature that is difficult to describe with partials and low-level descriptors that you used; this in combination with filters that are too strict could be a problem
  4. the parameters for the search algorithm are not sound (I suggest to use the default configuration to start)

Many other reasons could be at the origin of that message, anyway. Try to simplify your orchestration at the beginning using stationary sounds, no onsets, harmonic filtering and mean descriptors. Eventually, increase the level of the complexity by changing targets and descriptors as long as you understand more the software.