Hi All,
I would like to have the possibility to insert a matrix into a class-array for better visualization. I can do by hand, but I am searching for an automatic resizing according to the number of elements in each row of the matrix. I should use that for visualizing the result of K/Kh comparations between couple of Pitch-Class sets.
For example suppose to have the final result in this form:
(— 4-12 5-8 6-34)
(4-12 k- kh kh)
(5-8 kh k- --)
(6-34 kh – --)
I would like to display it into a class-array dimensions 4X4. Of course the length of the elements into result is variable, so the algorithm should have to automatically resize the class-array.
At least my problem is how to add :k slots in an automatic manner.
Many thanks in advance, ciao