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Doubts while creating a "harmonic field generator"

Hi everyone

I am new to open music so this might be too beginner level question for most of you.

I’m trying to create a patch that generates automatically harmonic fields from a given note. I started from the patch I created following this tutorial: http://recherche.ircam.fr/equipes/repmus/OpenMusic/user-doc/DocFiles/Tutorial/tut008/Index.html

So, my final goal is to create a patch that automatically generate chords when I change the number assigned to the box “steps” in the patch created following the tutorial.

The chords shall be created from a scale generated from the combination of the first 5 partials from 3 different harmonic series (a “tonic, dominant and subdominant”-ish relationship, as it happens with a natural major scale). So the note that generates the third harmonic field (dominant) is the second partial from the second harmonic field (tonic). And the second harmonic field, in its turn, is the second partial from the first harmonic field (subdominant).

So far, I succeeded in generating the “tonic” and the “dominant” notes, but I can’t see a way to generate the “subdominant” notes, once all this patch is generated by the note assigned as “tonic”, and I cant see a way of generating an harmonic field that will change its fundamental note in function of its second partial.

Also, I would be thankful if someone could teach me a way of condensing notes from a scale in triads and tetrads with intervals of a third.

As this is the first time I create a topic, I hope I made myself understandable. I also attached a copy of the patch I am working on and some printscreens.

Thanks in advance!

Captura de Tela 2020-10-28 às 16.30.56

chords from harmonic series.omp (252.3 KB)

Dear Lucas,

My advise is not to follow this starting from tutorial 8. This tutorial generates the harmonic series, therefore, the subdominant is not included in the first rank of the harmonics, and it is far beyond. Maybe you should reconsider what you want to achieve by using instead the ‘mathtools’ functions and objects. Take a look at these. They may come handy in your proposed perspective.
Beside that, if you want to explore more on harmonic series, please take a look on the esquisse library.


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Hi Karin, thanks for your answer!

As a beginner, I didn’t have the opportunity yet to explore the mathtools, maybe it is the time for it now!

Would you have any recommendation of a tutorial/text/any learning path that explains its possibilities in the perspective of what I am searching for?

Dear Lucas,

A good start is looking the tutorials in OM’s help menu (you should be in the worksapce in order to load them).

Then, (an advice) try first to formulate your problem/quest on paper BEFORE getting into coding. If we have a good and clear idea of what we are after, it makes it easier to choose, pre-existing tools/patches and therefore we avoid getting astray in the labyrinth of coding.


Thank you again, karin, specially for this advice! I’ll look for these tutorials