Greets everybody —
I’m working with CatOracle (and BRAVO on this!) but have run into a bit of a wall on the matter of saving a whole container via write and/or writeall messages to MuBu. In this situation I populate a MuBu container with many sound files, whose filenames are useful as slotinfo (in the syntax of Bach) when doing a Bach transcription. Thus, the name of the original file is needed, and this becomes a problem only when I reload a container from a .mubu file, call grains from mubu.concat~, and then do the Bach transcription. Where I’m expecting these original filenames mubu.track returns only the marker and buffer index. This of course is not a problem when I transcribe from a container that has not been saved in a .mubu file. I understand that the writeall message combines all buffers into one large file, but I’d hoped it would preserve this original filename data for later use. It is not clear to me from viewing the summary information in a mubu.track where the Filename data is stored, and all of the buffer info fields are empty.
At best, a getinfo FileName query returns the name of the combined .mubu file instead of the original sound files loaded into the container. Is there any way to preserve this original file info when writing or saving the container? My apologies if I’m overlooking something obvious, but I think this might be a more involved…
Thanks for your time! —