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documentation ircamdescriptor


I am using ircamdescriptor to analyze sound files mostly for scientific purposes (I am doing a perception study and need to know the acoustical correlates). So far, the data is promising, but I have found no documentation about the different descriptors, their units, and a description of what they are actually measuring.

Is there any article/paper/manual that may describe these descriptors and that I can cite?

In particular, I would elated to have a thorough description of the tristimulus data, as they yield very interesting results.

Merci d’avance (J’écris en anglais car je crois que c’est la langue officielle du forum)
Blas Payri

Hi Blas,

the reference article is: Geoffroy Peeters A large set of audio features for sound description (similarity and classification) in the CUIDADO project
Report 2004. http://recherche.ircam.fr/equipes/analyse-synthese/peeters/ARTICLES/Peeters_2003_cuidadoaudiofeatures.pdf

from http://recherche.ircam.fr/equipes/analyse-synthese/peeters/ARTICLES/

I’ll add the ref to the help patch, and maybe the pdf in the package.


A list of most, if not all, descriptors developped in IrcamDescriptor~ can be found in Geoffroy Peeters’ Technical Report on “A Large set of Audio Features for Sound Description in the CUIDADO Project” which you can download using this link.