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Docstring conventions in OM

I noticed, while looking through metaclasses.lisp, that the docstrings use a particular hashtag-based markup syntax, like so:

"The class of the OM patch metaobjects. #enddoc#
#seealso# (OMPersistantObject OMmaquette OMTemporalPatch OMPatchAbs) #seealso#
#boxes# A list of the boxes which define the patch. #boxes#
#code# A symbol to reference the code definition of the patch. #code#
#connec# Used to save connections beetween boxes in the patch definition. #connec#
#compiled?# Nil if the patch was modified and not compiled.#compiled?#
#pictu-list# This slot has a list of pictures's names pointed to pictures resources in the patch file.#pictu-list#
#lisp-exp-p# Patches can be defined by a lambda expression in place of graphicly,
in this case this slot keeps the lambda expression.#lisp-exp-p#
#show-connections?# Flag to show or hide connections.#show-connections?#"

Interesting, isn’t it? This kind of commentary is used by documentation preparation tools for formatting and hyperlinkage. But which tool understands the syntax shown here?


Hi johnathan,

I believe these are standard (old) conventions not used directly in OM. However there is an om system for generating om documentation starting from the defclass* derived from these classes . You will find this in the /kernel/doc/documentation.lisp. For the latter, i will ask. I believe it is a remnant of old MCL convention.


Hi Jonathan

Just to confirm, that the hash tags are from an old code, and were supposed as you guessed, to auto produce some html code. I just asked about this one of the original authors of OpenMusic (Pr. C. Agon).


Thanks for looking into it, Karim. It’s safe to say, then, that the "#...#" tag convention is no longer operant?

I think that being able to put hyperlinks and other formatting into docstrings is basically beneficial. It’s something of a shame that the Common Lisp community hasn’t come to a consensus on a format, like Python has, e.g., with reStructuredText.


By the way, is it possible for me to download the HTML for the whole manual (OpenMusic Documentation)?