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Distribution or not ?


There is this simple antescofo library, to use with Spat, I’ve prepared as a handy tool for my work and I wonder if I’m doing wrong distributing it, on github and soon on this forum, with a demo that includes the antescofo and spat objects (I’ve posted this on the spat forum too…). There is no hint in the license.txt included in the packages or may be due to a misreading. This library is not yet made public. Thanks.


Hello Nadir.
There is nothing wrong in the distribution of your antescofo code on github or elsewhere. But including the spat object in your package is not advised: the object is not freely available and users need to purchase it or to have a license elsewhere.

For the antescofo object, its status has changed very recently and is now freely accessible from the Forum. An official announce is expected soon. However, until the official announce which will fix the details, consider to redirect the users to the forum to download freely an antescofo object (after a free registration). In this manner, they are ensured to have the latest version and we are able to have some statistics on antescofo usage, which is very important for us.

In the long run, ca we consider to include your library into the user-contributed part of the antescofo documentation?

Hello Jean-Louis,

Thank you for the reply, I know you’re busy these days because of the forum…

Yes the demo patch with the spat object will be retrieved.
Yes I always add a link to redirect the users. (Antescofo Open Source, great news !)

Yes I wanted to ask you to include it in the user-contributed part, it’s a suitable place than github (because of the licences)
(and I intend to add a voice off and more audio examples (as you advised me to do once…) to the previous technical videos I’ve made on the antescofo langage…) I’ll be in touch at the end of the month, if it’s alright with you.

Bye now


For the moment, Antescofo goes “free” for use in artistic context, which is not the same as “open source”.

I get it