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Discussiongroup vs maillists

Dear all,

It would be nice if it is not only possible to receive notifies on updates of topics inside a discussion group but also on updates of every activity inside a discussion group. I fear that discussion groups will be less active then mailing lists if it is handled per topic.

Replying "between the lines" which is possible with email cannot be done with a discussion group entry as easily. These in between the lines comments often make discussions easy to read for a third person interested in the topic. Maybe we could agree on some formatting scheme?

Best, Hans.

Ah, sorry I now see that the quotes are not visible in the mail while you can see it in the formatting in the discussion group. Can this be fixed?

Best, Hans.

Hi Hans,

Soon there will be forum-wide notifications available. We’ll make an announcement when it’s ready!


re: quotes, I’m not sure what you mean. Maybe some screenshots would help me understand?

Dear Hans,

A New Topic Notification is now available for every ‘Discussion Group’, accessible on the topic-list page: http://cl.ly/image/3p392O050v1o

By subscribing, you get email notification on every new topic posted and if interested by the topic content, you can subscribe to the topic itself. This should make the move from old mailing-lists to more powerful online Forums smoother.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Hmm, the link does not seem to work.

It does lead to a screen shot.

It is a screenshot… You can subscribe to new-topic-notification on the main-page of any Discussion Group: under title you see a toggle with

" Receive email notifications when new topics are created in this forum? "

That’s what the screenshot shows. If toggled, your preference is saved… You can untoggle at anytime.