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diphone studio / "SuperVP::Initialization failed" error


just downloaded and installed diphone on my mac osx 10.7.3.

there is an error regarding supervp appearing when diphone launches addan (when i load a sound in the “create dictionary from sound” popup and press ok). see at the bottom of the text block below. the error also happens when i click “validate” and “run” in the addan analysis window. what is the problem?

AddAn(1) snd -v -aExtract -i"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.aiff" -c1 -o"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.temp.aiff" -fAiff

supervp -v -t -U -OS0 -ns -S"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.temp.aiff" -Afft -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 “/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Fft/crotale.f0.fft.sdif”

supervp -v -Af0 fm50.0,fM1000.0,F4000.0,sn50.0,M,smooth3 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 -S"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.temp.aiff" “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Fundamental/crotale.f0.sdif”

pm2 -v -Apar -P"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Fundamental/crotale.f0.sdif" -S"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.temp.aiff" -R44100.0 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -I441.0 -a0.01 -r0.01 -c0.5 “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/crotale.add.sdif”

sdif_signature_convert “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/crotale.add.sdif” 1TRC

supervp -v -S"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.temp.aiff" -Aced 50 -Wblackman -N2048 -M1764 -OE “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/SpecEnv/crotale.cc.sdif”

pm2 -v -Asyn -p -R44100.0 -S"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Partial/crotale.add.sdif" -Osa16 “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.synth.aiff”

snd -v -aSubstract -i"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.temp.aiff" -j"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.synth.aiff" -o"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.noise.aiff" -fAiff -d16

snd -v -aConvert -i"$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.temp.aiff" -o"/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Segmentation/crotale.floatSnd" -fFloat

segm -S"crotale.floatSnd" -T44100.0 -e0.1 -H10 -N10 -E0.04 -F0.04 -w1 -e0.1 -c0.5 -s0.2 -Civstr -M f0.2 F0.2 e0.2 E0.2 I0.2

echo “Diphone_Script”

echo “Create_Dictionary”

remove “$DEFAULTWD/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.temp.aiff”

Sound Convert

Input sound name…"/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.aiff"

Input sound channel…1

Input sound time begin…0.0

Input sound time end…end

Output sound name…"/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Sound/crotale.temp.aiff"

Output sound format…Aiff

Output sound sample rate…44100.0 (same as input)

Output sound sample size…16 (same as input) Convert coefficient…1.0

SuperVP::Initialization failed: please register an activation key by using -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt Kernel return error 22

thanks, johannes

Dear Johannes,

We just coreected the activation scheme. Go ahead and generate a new activation code for Diphone and use that one instead.

hallo arshia, axel and charles,

thanks for your fast reply and help.

what i don´t understand now is: where to put the new activation code, that i just received from the forum.

the popup window, in which i entered the activation code after i installed diphone the first time, doesn´t automaticly reappear when i boot the programm.

even if i reinstall it. is there a trick?

thanks for your help,



Following internal discussion with Johannes we publish here 
the procedure that allows to install the new keys using the
supervp command line that comes with Diphone: 

1) Store the key file that was send in the email on your Desktop
2) start the application Terminal.app that you find in
3) in the Finder open /Applications/Diphon Studio 4.2/Kernels
4) drag and drop supervp (attention this needs to be supervp not
supervp.app) into the window of the Terminal.app
5) in the terminal type -init_key_file after the end of the supervp
command. Attention, you need to add a space after typing this
6) In the finder locate the key file you have stored under 1 and drag &
drop it into the terminal.
7) In the Terminal you should now see a single command line similar to

/Applications/Diphone\ Studio\ 4.2/Kernels/supervp -init_key_file

There need to be spaces before and after the -init_key_file parameter

8) Hit return
