during the last days of testing diphone on my 2012 macbook pro (osx 10.7.3) i had a lot of fun and came to
very interesting results but i also experienced strange behaviours of the software that i´am going to report here.
some of them makes me wonder if diphone really works correctly on my machine.
lets find out:
diphone (not addan /resan) crashes always when i try to preview a composite segments
diphone (not addan /resan) crashes sometimes when i drag a segment into a sequence or i switch back to diphone from another app like thunderbird/fox
when i try to do inharmonic analysis i get the following error:
PM Error: can’t open peaks input file ‘/Users/j/Documents/IRCAM/Diphone/ImpExport/Peakcrotale.pic.sdif’
Kernel return error -1
btw. didn’t found any infos about inharmonic analysis in the docs…
- there are clicks at the beginning and the end of segment and sequence when playing a preview - this probably depends on
the amp-env of a segment/sequence (missing fadein & fadeout )
- when previewing a sequence i also get a click between segments from different sounds while cpu is ca. 2%
(reducing the samplerate and nr of partials doesnt seem to effect this while the segment length does)
i get crazy loud/ distorted playback of the synthesized sound in addan analysis window when i change the audio setting like bitrate and audio format
some dico files (that are part of the standard diphone app ) didn´t open at all or just open an empty dico-window
the segments of the working dicos (eg…a7.dico) are blocked/greyed-out sometimes. then i have to click in the background of the dico window or the desktop to “reanimate” them (sometimes diphone crashes here)
the volume control of the sequence (the fader) doesn’t work correctly (e.g. leveling to the left side results in full volume, i have to re-adjust it for every preview )
if there is anything i can do/check please let me know…
kind regards.