Dear Karim,
Thank you very much for fast reply.
I am adding some code to my library. I think I have followed your indications, but it does not resolve. I try to explain myself in a better way. I am working on new functions about Messiaen’s composition techniques. I have added all the new menu items in my FDSDB_XXth_CT.lisp file, and specifically I am adding now new code to my Serial-Post serial Music.lisp file. For example now I have just added this portion of simple code:
(om::defmethod! rhythmic-ped ((dur-list list) (repetitions number))
:initvals '(nil nil) ; an initial values list
:indoc '(“Duration series (ms.)” “Number of repetitions”) ; an string list with short docs
:icon 120 ; the icon
:doc “”
(make-instance 'voice :tree ( om::om/ (flat (om::repeat-n dur-list repetitions)) 4000)))
I have loaded the file inside the LIsp editor in OM, and updated it both saving the file and using ctl/Y (I am working on Linux).
However if I open an empty patch and try to put the new rhythmic-ped function I can not retrieve it into library menu. If I close and restart OM I have the new menu item and new running corresponding function.
I would like to know if there is some procedure to avoid to close and restart OM all the times I add a new code, if possible, just for saving some time: I am a lazy fellow…
Thank you in advance, ciao