Is anyone able to generate mlys scrips with the save-script command? I always get the following error: “Error: Foreign function |
modalys_set_variable_internal_name | trying
to call to unresolved external function
I am on Modalys 3.5.1b4, and also tried it previously on 3.5.0. My macOS: 10.14.5 (though I’ve tried it on several other earlier OSs). My Modalisp script is dead simple. My save-script command looks like this:
(save-script “/Users/mus/bichord.mlys”)
Apologies: this is a repeat question, but I have yet to have it resolved after months!
Is my problem local only? Or does this feature just not work anymore? Could it have something to do with my filepath? Terminal confirms that’s a viable location…
Any help is much appreciated.