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Create a random piece…

Dear Karim,

I would like to make a piece with randomness. Here’s an illustration of what I want to do.


The horizontal segments are SOUND, the vertical segments are bifurcations.

So here, we start with a SOUND and then there are two choices in a row. Then one and then 3 choices, etc…

I’m using SOUND as an example, but it might be something more elaborate.

How can I make the bifurcations random so that when I evaluate the last SOUND, I get a version of the piece?

I hope this is clear to you.



Dear Jerome,

I suggest first to split the problem in two:

  1. the “branching”
  2. the “rendering”

For the branching you can start with simple list of lists intertwined with nth-random, or whatever random style you want.
In the example i used chord objects because it is simpler to test with.

the patch:
bifurk.omp (16.8 KB)

Then the rendering part, depends on your object. Here it is simple because we used chords, so appending them will fit in a chord-seq. In sound you must be really careful, with the mix/level issue. I suggest to do it using a synth such as Csound.

About the example, sorry musically it stinks :slight_smile: It is just a simple example…


Completely Ok for the split method! Thanks for the patch

For the audio, everything will be set to -14 LUFS. I’m really glad you mentioned CSound because I was thinking of using it. :slight_smile:

For randomness, I thought I’d have a look at OMtristan, would you have anything to recommend?



You might want to have a look on Mikhail’s Malt Alea library:


Thanks, Karim