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Copy and Paste

hi there ! Another very old bug : when copying and pasting something from one patch (patch A) to another (patch B), if the size of patch B is smaller than patch A (and at least a portion of what I’m copypasting is outside the area of Patch B) everything gets messed up really badly. It’s an aesthetic thing, but it’s really annoying … Cheers from Venice. M.

Dear Mauro,

Yes i remember this. It is a special feature that Jean did. But it seems somehow awkward strange to do this. Indeed it messes up everything in the case you are mentioning. I will see if we could improve this behavior.


Dear Mauro,

Here is a solution that prevents this awkward behavior:
copypaste.lisp (723 Bytes)

Tell me what do you think, if it should be by default?
Just commented some code.


It’s much, much better. Of course ideally the pasted items should be re-centered (while maintaining the exact spacial configuration of the original patch) …

I think i will put this fix by default for the time being, since it’s far more better.

Thank you for reminding me of this ol’ bug :slight_smile:
