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Comment box custom-size

Is there a way to prevent comment boxes to flip back to their default size when modifying text into an already custom-size comment?

Dear Jimmie,

Please can you be more specific? What do you mean by their “default” size? You mean by the Font’s default size?


Dear Karim,
Thanks for your response.
Here is an image showing more precisely what I mean. I am talking about the object’s shape. Sometimes, it’s useful to customize the text region so that it fits the patcher window or any specific region of it. But when I make an edit in such a customized window, it flips back to the ‘one-line’ default shape, and I have to resize it again (and of course, this is not so practical when the text is longer and sometimes goes beyond the patcher window). I can imagine that it’s normal that the object changes shape when the text inside changes, but would there be a way that the customized width and height remain once they have been manually modified? I see that the text-view object does exactly that, so perhaps there’s an alternative there, tout simplement.

Dear Jimmie,

Ok, got your point here. The comment editing behavior has changed since some versions. It used to be like you mentioned. However I introduced an autowrap text feature for thwe reason that you may save space in a patch and not to inadvertently move the comment box. This autowrap thing will preserve newline edits. So if you need your text to be on different lines, you need to use the newline (return) key and it will allow your text to be wrapped on multi-line.

However, If the user wishes the text to be wrapped in the defined space of the comment given by the user, this also could be set. But i need to manage both modes.

For the time being, just break the lines manually. Sorry for that. I will answer to your request in the next coming version.

Best Wishes


Dear Karim,
I didn’t realize that the return key was working with the autowrap, this is a solution!

Dear Jimmie,

Anyhow, i have made a preference option for this. autowrap or no autowrap. So you can choose how to edit the comment. It will figure in the next version (7.6, release date previewed in March)

Best wishes and a Happy Xmas.
