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Circe 1.0.0 - New Release


A brand new version of Circe is available :tada:! This version is available as VST3 and AudioUnit plugins, as well as an automatic application. It is compatible with MacOS (M series only), Windows and Linux.

:point_right: Download Circe

Circe lets you modify the pitch and tension of the voice. Used as a plug-in, these parameters can be controlled automatically by analyzing these characteristics from a second audio track defined as a side-chain. Circe can also be used to create a hybrid timbre between the original track and the one defined as a side-chain.

Circe neural auto-encoder model is developed by Frederik Bous and Axel Roebel at IRCAM Analysis-Synthesis Team of the STMS Laboratory.

Circe plug-in and Circe standalone application are designed and developed by Pierre Guillot at IRCAM IMR department.

Don’t hesitate to send us your feedback and comments!

Hi! I’ve just downloaded and installed Circe, but the Standalone App doesn’t work. It says, I need Mac OS 11.o or higher. Is it correct?
Thank you!

Indeed, the standalone app and the plug-ins require macOS 11.0 (ARM).

Hello, I installed and tried but it seems that it doesn’t actually make any sound that I might expect as useful. Any user had better luck?
The pitch and tension slider, either with or without side chain produces artifacts that do sound like, well, artifacts (à la RAVE) and I didn’t hear any connection with the side chain material (artifacts are quite similar, independently of the material fed in as side chain)
Also the slider for timbre mixing does not produce any result that could remind the classical mixing of timbre (cross synthesis, morphing, etc.).
In standalone version, how do you feed the side chain?
Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for your feedback.

The current model generates fairly significant artifacts, linked in particular to the segmentation of the audio stream. Development and research are being carried out to improve this aspect. If we develop a more robust model, it will be incorporated into a new version of the plugin.

On the subject of the side-chain, you should be able to use the pitch of a sound to control the pitch of the source. This depends on the model’s ability to recognize the pitch of the source and the side-chain. But perhaps there’s also a problem with channel routing, I’d need more information about your configuration and the context of use to help you with this. But, in any case, it’s not possible to use a side-chain in the standalone, which is why the corresponding buttons and sliders are disabled.
