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Chromax causes Max 6.1.3 to close

First time using SoundBox on Mac OS 10.7.5 Max 6.1.3.

Every time i attempt to open any Chromax patch it causes Max to close i can create a chromax object, but i’m unable to open any demo patch.

Thank you in advance for any help.

What if you use this version?

Actually, ignore my previous reply.

Try with the object attached to this post and let me know.

Here, I’m using Max 6.1 SDK directly.

Reason: You get those crashes because Max has had important changes in dealing with Buffers and Chromax uses those alot! That’s why I have been preparing the 6.1.x version of Chromax. You’ll be the first person to test! :slight_smile:

chromax.mxo_.zip (50.1 KB)

Thank you Arshia, tested it and it didn’t work Max 6.1.3 32 bits crashes

Can you send me the crash log and point me to the patch (and procedure) to crash?
I assume you use Max 6.1.3 on OS 10.7.5?

Arshia, yes, i’m using Max 6.1.3 (32 bits) in a OS 10.7.5. When i try to open any Ircam Forumnet Chromax SoundBox patch Max crashes, but i can create a Chromax object in Max i haven’t make a patch yet as i don’t know the object. I’m sending the copied and pasted crash log hope it helps.


[crashlog too long for text
crashlog attached below]

crashlog.rtf (70.3 KB)


The Crashlog is weird! The crash does not come from Chromax!!! And I am fine with openning Chromax patches in 6.1.3!
Maybe something is conflicting in your Max File Preferences?! Try removing objects from path (conflict with an older version?) and try again. Meanwhile I’ll continue to dig into this!

Well, hope this help, i search in my “path” for any old chromax object and nothing it would be really difficult as this is the first time i attempt to use it. I can open the Chromax devices on the SoundBox file, but when i use a bpatcher object to use it Max crashes again i’m sending the crash log hope it helps.

Crashlog_bpatcher.rtf (175 KB)

Ok. problem solved, up dating Max solved the problem, there should have been some conflict with the configuration, its strange as i didn’t touch any part of the software, could Jamoma produce conflicts with Chromax ??.

Anyway tack you for your help, this are really great tools.

Leonardo, thanks for letting us know thzt Max update solved the Chromax problem.

I don’t believe that the conflict came from Jamoma or anything else rather thank Max. And I think you were using Max 6.1.2 or less… I believe something was wrong with handling of Buffer objects (heavily used by Chromax) in Max 6.1.2- which was corrected in 6.1.3.

Anyway I can go back and continue moving my studd to 64bit now! If you run into any further trouble, ping us on this Forum for MaxSoundBox objects.

…However it seems to work on Max 6.1.0 (32 bit)…


with the original object I had :

chromax: unable to load object bundle executable

2013-10-27 11:02:09.116 Max[1861:1007] Error loading /Applications/Max 6.1/ircam_objects/MaxSoundBox 2013-09/Chromax/chromax.mxo/Contents/MacOS/chromax: dlopen(/Applications/Max 6.1/ircam_objects/MaxSoundBox 2013-09/Chromax/chromax.mxo/Contents/MacOS/chr

omax, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:

/Applications/Max 6.1/ircam_objects/MaxSoundBox 2013-09/Chromax/chromax.mxo/Contents/MacOS/chromax: mach-o, but wrong architecture

So I decided to download the object from the post : October 20, 2013 at 17:22 and I obtain :

chromax: Chroma FFT Template Generator by Arshia Cont, Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2009-14.

chromax: Partially based on OMChroma generators by Marco Stroppa.

chromax: Compiled on Oct 14 2013 17:08:21

chromax: Chroma FFT Template Generator by Arshia Cont, Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2009-14.

chromax: Partially based on OMChroma generators by Marco Stroppa.

chromax: Compiled on Oct 14 2013 17:08:21

chromax: Buffer set to 1008-Filters

chromax: Buffer 1008-Filters resized from 4096 samples to 2047.

chromax: No pitch list declared for generation!

chromax: No pitch list declared for generation!

chromax: No pitch list declared for generation!

chromax: No pitch list declared for generation!

chromax: No pitch list declared for generation!

chromax: No pitch list declared for generation!

chromax: No pitch list declared for generation!

chromax: No pitch list declared for generation!

after that I followed the link from post : October 20, 2013 at 17:11

And, finally, everything works !!!

chromax052013.zip (63 KB)


Just wanted to clear some things to help you and others. I’m absolutely sure i had Max 6.1.3 when chroma was not working, and i updated to Max 6.1.4 released october 16 and chroma started to work, with similar error messages as above, but i assume those messages are because when it starts it has some missing arguments.