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Chord-seq problems with patch pm2 analyses tools

Dear community,
I would like to make a question because I am totally stopped in this moment.
I have problems with the Open Music library pm2 analysis tools, version 1.6.
I have no results when I evaluate the Chord-seq. (I send attached screen photo)
The listener says:
OM > “PM2 not found! Set path to pm2 in the OM preferences.”
OM > “SDIFFile object has no attached file”
OM => #<chord-seq 4020296033>

Well I have the library installed
I have proofed too changing my file from Waw to Aiff but no result at all.

My version of OM is 6.16
My system: Mac Os Sierra, 10.12.6,
Also tried on a window 10 with the same result
What could I do?

Thank you very much for your attention

Kind regards.

The problem here is as the listener reports:
OM > “PM2 not found! Set path to pm2 in the OM preferences.”

Open your preferences, choose Externals tab and choose the apth to your pm2 binary.


Thanks Karim
I have done what you said me.

But my problem remains the same.
No result by evaluation.


No, your problem is that you are pointing to the PATCH and not to the binary (Program) called pm2. You should download it if you don’t have it. Or if you have Audiosculpt it is inside the kernel folder of audiosculpt. or please read the following:

This release does not include pm2 binaries. Get them from IRCAM ForumNet (https://forum.ircam.fr/projects/detail/analysissynthesis-command-line-tools/) and either put them in resources/bin/{mac,win,linux}/, OR set the path to SuperVP (for instance in …/AudioSculpt/Kernels/) in the OM Preferences/Externals path (visible when the library is loaded).


Thanks a lot Karim.
It works now!
I have done with Audiosculpt kernel Folder.
Best regards