some more probably trivial for the most of you questions.
I used the note object to write a fundamental note. (higher note object in the photo)
When opened, the note box was in G key. I changed it to F key and changed into F key with a a note 2 octaves lower than the original. When I closed it, it shows the F,15th down key and the note written 2 octaves higher. Is there no way to show the low E note in the written pitch?
Secondly, I have an arpUp view in the second chord object as shown in the photo. The object itself keeps showing the chord as a chord. When changed the view OM does not update the object view? I looked in the documentation and the online manual but I didn´t find something. Do I miss something? Is this note and chord editors view information somewhere concentrated in the manual?
Thirdly and last. OMLoop as a test and then collect function. I tried to use the omloop in order to select the oodp elements of a list. I didn´t make it and I created a small code in the lisp editor in order to make it:
((in-package :cl-user)
(defun collectct-oddp (list)
(loop for x in list
if (oddp x)
collect x))
Is there a way to use a test function (for example oddp or evenp) inside the omloop to collect the odd or even numbers of a list?
Thank you a lot in advance.