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Thank you for creating The Smart Sequencer! Very interesting concept and also quite useful I find.
Been testing the app/demo for a bit now and was wondering about the sampler/spat engine. Its a bit unclear to me where the eight sources in the spat engine (8 channels in the sampler) are derived from or representing? more specifically the number of channels that is.
I know this is a demo but for a full app.a feature request perhaps then, it would be useful (to me atleast) to have the option to connect to the 8 outputs from the sampler before the spat engine or have multichannel options in addition to the binaural and transaural ouput.



Hello Anders,
Sorry for the delay and thanks for the comments!
The sampler uses 8 outputs (corresponding to the 8 sources in the spat) to play each sample on a different point in space.
In this demo version, each sound is mapped to a specific output/source [1 8] according to its rank in the polybuffer~ (%8+1).
That means, a sound is always played out the same output/source!
To blur this type of redondance (or not), you can simply turn on the ‘spin’ mode in the spat window!
Then, the spat is used for stereophonic rendering (bianural OR transaural) and eventually continuous/smooth spatialisation…
To change the sources/output positions you can use the different spat presets or by hand in the ‘oper’ window!
Obviously, the full version includes multichannel rendering but for now it remains exclusive… :wink:
I hope this answers your question!

p.s. Send me/us some audio examples to hear what you’re doing!