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Can't load AU plugin on Mac OS 10.13.6 nor 10.14.6


Je ne parviens pas à utiliser le plugin Rave au format Audio Unit sur des ordinateurs Mac avec comme OS 10.13.6 ou 10.14.6
L’application (Reaper ou Ableton Live) ne parvient pas à le charger.


Hello Janus!
The DAW is crashing, the plugin-is is missing on the list, or when you import it the plug-in is disabled?
Thank for your interest!

Hello Axel,

Yes indeed, the plugin is disabled when imported. It is not missing on the list. And the DAW doesn’t carsh.

There’s just the generic interface of one DAW plugin but but no interface or features

Could you by any chance open your DAW within terminal, trying to import the VST and report me the log? (open the terminal, type

open /Applications/NAME_OF_YOUR_DAW

I opened the application in the terminal but it’s the same thing. There’s no specific log.
I only see the AU version of the plugin. The VST version does not appear in the list of plugins.
I also tried with a Mac M1 running Mac OS Big Sur (11.3.11). The same thing happens.
The application requires a version of Mac OS 12 to be launched.