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Can't find/use buffer tool

The instructions for AudioSculpt says: Click in the upper zone : the pointer will turn into a scrub tool.

When I click on the arrow tool it does not turn into the scrub tool. Pressing s just selects the filter tools, it does not select the scrub tool.

Here attached is a video from the AudioSculpt 3.0 Manual that shows what I cannot do in my AudioSculpt, unless I’m missing something.

Maybe I don’t know what the upper zone is and this is somehow important to selecting the buffer tool?

How do I select the buffer tool?

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Ben Luton

Scrub.mov (3.13 MB)

Watching the tutorial video on playing sound files called scrub.mov, it appears to me that I am missing the scrub icon on the upper zone?

Why is this? Is there some way to add the scrub icon to the upper zone?



You need to hold click on the analysis tool (the one with the ‘diapason’ icon) and choose scrub tool from the list…


You need to hold click on the analysis tool (the one with the ‘diapason’ icon) and choose scrub tool from the list…
