I wonder if there is a way to call the Lisp Listener of OpenMusic from an external lisp editor. Ideally I would like have it inside VS Code or Eclipse.
I have long way ago abandoned making my projects with graphical cable and boxes and I am enjoying composing my music only within the OM lisp editors buffers and OM function boxes. However I need a better editor now than the lisp editor built inside Open Music.
If that is impossible i would like to know how can I export all OM code and OM lisp files inside an external lisp environment and run everything through CLISP or SBCL. Since I don’t need anymore the graphic environment of OM.
The main reason why I would like to still stick in some way to OM and not leaving it entirely is because I need the OM midi lisp files since I haven’t found a way yet to figure out how to install portmidi in my lisp environment.