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[BUG] supervp.scrub~ object failing to initialise in mpe m4l devices using poly~

There is an issue when using supervp.scrub~ inside a poly~ object within an mpe max for live device. The supervp object doesn’t initialise without openning the device in the Max editor and then closing it a couple of times.

It will consistently fail to initialise every time a session with the device is opened. The supervp object will only work after opening the device using the Max editor within Live and then closing it again (no edits or resaving needed).

Not a major issue as this workaround seems to always fix the issue but I’m reporting it here in case it can be addressed in a future update

More info to update this thread - the issue is not only related to M4L devices using supervp.scrub in a poly~.

In Live 12, changing the parameters (e.g. window size, oversampling) causes the object to stop working until the device is opened and closed via the Max editor, which seems to force it to re-initialise.

Hi srs, do you have a simple test patch with scrub in a poly in max so we can try to improve this?

I’ve sent over an example Ableton project and max device via a direct message.

As mentioned in my previous post, it is not just an issue with the object inside a poly~ but is also occurring in a very simple patch and I think it has something to do with the object being re-initialised when supervp params are changed via live user interface objects.

Thanks srs! This should be fixed now. Do you still have an Intel Mac, or can you quickly try the new supervp.scrub~.mxo.zip on Rosetta, before Riccardo makes a new release?

Hi Diemo, the supervp.scrub~.mxo object above initialises fine and also continues to work when changing supervp parameters (e.g. fft window size). I tested this update back in April and replied to you
via email but just updating this thread in case anyone else is experiencing this issue.

Thanks for the fix.

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