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Bug report: mubu.play~ won't loop on some circumstances, + other bugs

I’m experiencing a bug but I cannot precisely caracterise it.
Basically, given some specific playback region, the playhead get stuck at the beginning of the region after it has read it once.

Steps to reproduce:
Using the mubu.play~ helpfile, load an audio file (of around 1min).
Select the corresponding buffer with ‘bufferindex’.
Enable ‘loop’.
Send a message like ‘play 1 15000 18000’.
The region plays fine, but once it reaches the end, the playhead goes back to the beginning of the region and get stuck here. mubu.play~ third outlet keep outputing the same value of 15000 until we manually stop the playing.

Smaller values seem to work (like 13000 14000)

On longer files (+2 min), 15000 18000 works fine, but bigger values (like 100000 102000) get the same issue.

Also, if switching to another buffer, the first time ‘play 1 X Y’ will be sent, the X Y region will not be respected (and it will keep playing an unrelated region in loop)

Also, sometimes, the first iteration plays correctly, but then it loops another region, often around the end of the buffer, with the same duration.

Using MuBu 1.10.8 installed from the Package manager on Max 8.6.1, on Windows 10.

thanks for all this bug reports!
The first bug only occurs when the audio track has a different sr than Max (and therefore for now a workaround is to make sure that the two sr are the same).
I just fixed the first one, the others will follow. They will all be available in the next release.



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