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bug report: language choice seems to not be preserved

I don’t remember where you wanted us to submit bug reports, developer forum is not quite the right place but…

I have the feeling that the site is not remembering my language choice. It always comes back to me in french, while I always want it to be English. The site should simply remember my last choice and present itself in that language when I come back to login.

Suppose I don’t understand French how annoying!



In fact it is even more annoying. I am on forumnet in English, select shop, and … arrive en boutique?

En plus - si je selectionne anglais en boutique le menu reste en francais.

Hi Axel!

Thank you for helping us with these bugs! I’ll look into the language settings for you. I’ll also start a separate bug discussion group so we can keep better track.

Hi Axel,

FYI, I’ve moved this thread to the ‘Bugs and Issues’ discussion.

Perfect, where can I find the ‘Bugs and issues’ discussion? In the discussions list it seems not to be present?

To see this thing here I had to go through “all topics” :frowning:



Oh here’s a direct link. It’s a private discussion group for now:


Thanks, but does this mean you don’t want bugs reported to this group?

If you open the site to your testing members (I think this is close to be happening) then you probably would be much better of to have this group open for contributions.

That’s right! I had it set to private for some testing purposes. This Discussion Group is now open to public.